Title |
Authors/Editors |
Publisher |
Type |
Copies |
Crossroads 7
Nelson Canada |
Books |
10 |
Crossroads 8
Gage Learning Corporation |
Books |
19 |
Elements of English 10
Nelson Thomson Learning |
Books |
5 |
Elements of English 9
Harcourt Canada, Limited |
Books |
4 |
Fears and Phobias: What Are Your Fears? And Mysteries: Can Every Mystery Be Solved? (Nelson Literacy)
Nelson Education |
Books |
30 |
Foundations of Mathematics 10 Student Edition
McGraw-Hill Ryerson School |
Books |
18 |
Functions and Applications 11
Nelson Education Limited |
Books |
15 |
Thomson Nelson |
Books |
15 |
Human Geography 8: Student Text
Nelson Canada |
Books |
9 |
Individuals and Families in a Diverse Society
McGraw-Hill Ryerson School |
Books |
10 |